- DVD to 3GP video format
3GPP-3rd Generation Partnership Project (*.3gp), 3GPP2-3rd Generation Partnership Project2 (*.3g2), Xvid Movie(*.avi), MP4-MPEG-4 Video(*.mp4), MPEG-4 AVC Video Format(*.mp4), MPEG-1 Movie(*.mpg), MPEG-2 Movie(*.mpg), etc. - DVD to Mobile Phones
3GPP-3rd Generation Partnership Project (176x144)(*.3gp), 3GPP-3rd Generation Partnership Project (original size)(*3gp), 3GPP-3rd Generation Partnership Project 2 (176x144)(*.3g2), 3GPP-3rd Generation Partnership Project 2 (original size)(*3g2), BlackBerry 3GP Video(176x144)(*.3gp), BlackBerry 3G2 Video(176x144)(*.3g2), BlackBerry AVI Video (176x144)(*.avi), BlackBerry MPEG-4 Video (176x144)(*.mp4) - DVD to 3GP audio formats
MP3, WAV, M4A, AAC, AMR, etc.

Powerful functions and specific settings 
More features make the DVD to 3GP conversion timesaving and fast
- Allow you to select target subtitle and audio track
Clip a title/chapter to extract the desired segments and optionally merge them into a new title/chapter. - Crop Frame Size to Retain What You Want
Crop the picture frame of a video to remove any unwanted areas from it using this video converter like a pair of smart scissors на этом сайте. - Adjust Video Settings and Add Special Effects
Adjust video brightness/saturation/contrast, Flip video up-down etc. - Add Watermarks to Video
Personalize your video with multiple picture and/or text watermarks added.

Professional Settings and Optimized Profiles 
Settings and features that help you ease the conversion process
- Optimized Conversion Profiles
Comes with optimized and classified conversion profiles for a wide range of multimedia devices. Customize an existing profile and saved it as your own. - Rich Parameter Settings
Adjust general video, audio parameters such as start time, duration, video size, video/audio quality, audio channel, and much more. More advanced parameters are available for professional users. - Convert a File into Several Formats Simultaneously
Select a variety of output formats for a source, and let UM DVD to 3GP Video Converter do the rest.

Simple, Quick and Convenient 
Providing you with a simpler, quicker and smarter video conversion experience
- Preview and Snapshot
Preview the original video with the built-in resizable video player. Take a snapshot during preview and save as picture file. - Convert Files in Batches
UM DVD to 3GP Video Converter can convert multiple files simultaneously with multi-threading and batch processing. - Extra Conveniences
Automatically keeps your software updated with the latest features; run the application in the background to save CPU resources.